3D body image scanners, like Fit3D, Human Solutions, and Styku, are transforming how we gather body measurements, offering fast, comprehensive data across multiple body sites. But with varying levels of precision, cost, and compatibility, not all scanners are created equal. A recent study comparing Fit3D, Human Solutions, and Styku scanners found that while Fit3D and Human Solutions closely align in data accuracy, Styku fell short in key measurement areas, highlighting Fit3D as a top value choice for fitness and health facilities.
Comparing Fit3D and Human Solutions
Fit3D, priced at $7,500, achieved high levels of agreement with the more expensive Human Solutions scanner, which ranges from $40,000 to $60,000. Fit3D’s correlation (R²) with Human Solutions reached as high as 0.97 for neck circumference, a testament to its precision. In contrast, Styku’s accuracy was weaker in several metrics, particularly mid-thigh and chest circumference, where significant discrepancies emerged. For chest circumference, Styku displayed a substantial bias (-5.60) compared to Human Solutions, while Fit3D was much closer (bias of 2.30), highlighting its superior alignment with gold-standard measurements.
Fit3D’s Value and Performance:
For facilities seeking a reliable body scanning solution without the high price tag of Human Solutions, Fit3D stands out. Its ability to deliver precise, consistent data at a fraction of the cost makes it ideal for fitness centers, clinics, and research environments. The study’s development of a model to translate data between scanners further supports the usability of Fit3D for facilities needing compatible, comparable measurements across systems, underscoring its flexibility.
Year: May 2023
Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370667713_Translating_digital_anthropometry_measurements_obtained_from_different_3D_body_image_scanners